Thankfully no one ever said you had to be smart to commit credit card fraud.This group of teenagers was busted because they stole a woman's credit card near a movie theatre, then used to to buy movie tickets and take pictures in a photo booth.

Using a stolen credit card in a photo booth is not the brightest move ever made.

According to Gawker, a woman had reported that she had misplaced her card near a movie theatre in Maryland, but police reviewed transactions on the card and found that it had been used at the same theatre she "lost" it at . They reviewed security footage to see a group of teenagers using the card to buy movie tickets and then using the card to take photo booth pictures.

Police then got the kids' photos off of the photo booth hard drive and released them to the public, leading to a quick arrest of the teens involved.

I'm pretty sure this is less of a case of 'kids being kids' and more a case of 'kids being dim-witted jerks'.

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