Some guys just never learn...

A. Arizona man who just had been released by Police on a misdemeanor citation decided to steal and ambulance to get himself home.

According to AZCentral, the 33-year-old now faces some felony charges after his choice of post-jail transportation. He was busted in the first place on suspicion of driving with an open container. He was booked and released and then decided to steal, not just any car, but a friggen ambulance to get himself home.

When police showed up at his house,

[He] attempted to run into the home but was stopped by an officer, according to a police report of the incident. Garcia punched and kicked the officer, knocking his glasses from his face.

Turns out he was drunk, again.

And get this, once they arrested him they had to treat him for injuries he sustained while fighting with police and he spit in the eye of one of the nurses taking care of him.

You want to be a good person? Follow this guy around and do the exact opposite of what he does, you'll be golden.

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