Hmm, what's the best way to get caught after successfully robbing a bank and stealing a car? Bragging about your heist on YouTube of course.

This dullard of a 19-year-old Nebraska teenager posted her exploits for the world to see and surprise, surprise...she got caught.

The poorly-edited video shows her with drugs, writing things down on paper and holding them up in front of the camera. She was writing down confessions and bragging about robbing a bank with a gun and a pillowcase and stealing a shiny car. Here is the description from the video:

I just stole a car and robbed a bank. Now I'm rich, I can pay off my college financial aid and tomorrow I'm going for a shopping spree. ... I love GREEN DAY!

(Might I add that all of her writing shows up backwards in the video because wonder-crook here didn't seem to realize that froward-facing camera flip images.)

And, to no one's surprise, she was arrested shorty after the video was posted, and this little gem will probably be used by prosecutors to help convict her.

You can see this girl in all her dumb-as-a-rock glory below. But it is NSFW...kind of. There are a lot of drug references.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you, one of the dumbest human beings alive.

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