If you ever think your family has problem, just read this woman's story and you might feel a little better about your own. She is in jail for two years after creating Facebook accounts for family members and harassing herself!According to Mirror UK, this 24-yuear-old woman called police to report some 'vile sexual taunts' that she was receiving from family members on Facebook.

A woman has been jailed for nearly two years after trolling herself by bombarding her own Facebook page with abuse. (Namely, her father and her new stepmother.)

She had a falling out with dad and wanted to break up their marriage and her plan almost worked.

The parents were arrested but investigators uncovered information that pointed to the 24-year-old creating the Facebook accounts for her father and stepmother herself and then sending constant threatening and harassing messages to her own Facebook from those fake accounts.

The father and stepmother were released and the young woman is now serving two years in jail.

I'm pretty sure this is not a family I would like to sit around a dinner table with.

[Read more from Mirror UK]

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