I saw more than my fair share of parking lot disputes over the holidays, but most of the ones I saw ended in an angry horn honk or a rude gesture at the worst.

But, today’s story involves an Atlanta woman who actually rammed her SUV into a teenager over a parking space argument.

According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a 17-year old girl was standing in a Wal-Mart parking space “holding” it for her friend who had just given birth. (I am assuming it must have been a close spot on a busy day.)

Our driver, a grown woman (and a memeber of the district's school board), was driving in the parking lot with her daughter and eyed the space occupied by the teenager when she decided that was the spot she wanted. She started to pull in the spot, but the teen would not move and a verbal argument broke out.

Police reports say the woman told the teen to move, then pulled into the spot and the teen leaned against the vehicle and started yelling that she’d been hit.

But security footage of the incident told a slightly different story.

The SUV stops as (the teen) stands in the parking space and suddenly accelerates. (The teen) is struck by the vehicle, and she is physically moved by the force of the vehicle.

Thankfully the teen was not injured, and mama-road-rage was charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct.

Now, I don’t think standing in a parking spot is the smartest, safest, or even a legit way to “save” a parking spot for someone, but ramming a 17-year-old kid with your car? C’mon lady! Settle down, find another spot and walk the extra 30 feet into the store.

Check out the video story from Channel 2 Action News below.

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