It is a sad moment in life when you realize your out of beer, especially when you have more than one person who want it. A Pennsylvania woman took it way too far after her boyfriend took her last beer.

The altercation began when the boyfriend (who reportedly purchased the beer) was about to leave his girlfriends apartment taking the last beer in the fridge.

Here is the best part... It was Colt 45! Not exactly a renowned brand of booze.

The fight then began which initially began with pouring beer out on the floor, kicking and lots of shoving.

The altercation then got heated when the woman grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

"She cut him in the arm,neck, back and stomach areas prior to him being able to disarm her. He had to receive several stitches," said Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Steve Limani.

The man was treated for his injuries, which were not life threatening. The woman was then charged with aggrivated assault.


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