The White House

The United State Secret Service does not take to people shooting the White House lightly, even if the shooter's plan is to only fire a couple of rounds.

According to NBC Washington, some shirtless moron, packing a semi-automatic handgun and a backpack full of hollow-point bullets and hunting knives was arrested outside the White House.

While holding the loaded weapon he told Secret Service police,

I was only going to fire a couple of shots if no one confronted me.

As you can guess, this little escapade landed him in jail pretty quickly. I'm willing to bet that he has a few house calls from the Secret Service in the near-future too.

Clearly this man is an idiot, I wonder if he thought a Secret Service member would hear his story and actually say, "Hmm, just a couple of rounds, eh? Sure, take a few shots."

My next question is, why would someone want to fire a few shots at the White House. What would be the point, scare the Obama family because you know where they live? Pretty sure most of the world has that one figured out...

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