What’s worse than having your gun taken away while trying to rob a couple of strangers in their motel room? How about coming back a few minutes later offering to buy your gun back!

This story comes to us from Bradenton, Florida where a 39-year-old man made it really easy for police to catch him. According to the Miami Herald our guy forced his way into a motel room and demanded that two  men inside give him drugs. The occupants didn’t have any drugs, so our robber pulled out his gun and attempted to rob them of any valuables.  In the scuffle one of the victims was able to take the gun away from the intruder and pepper-spray him in the face. The robber then fled the scene.

Maybe it was pride, but I’m guessing it was stupidity that caused the would-be robber to return a few minutes later, offering to buy his gun back from them for $40.

When police showed up they didn’t have a very hard a time tracking this moron down. He’s now facing charges of home invasion robbery and resisting arrest.

Picture by swanksalot, Flickr.

Dumb Criminals


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