Sure, many teachers  may be overworked and underpaid, but there has to be a better way for them to make some extra money besides stealing.

From their students.

This story comes to us from News 10 in California where a sophomore student had noticed thing go missing from her backpack a few times during the school year. She decided she wanted to catch whoever was doing it so she stayed after class and hid in a gym locker to see if she could get a glimpse of the culprit. Turns out she saw her teacher plundering students' belongings.

After all the kids left she stayed in there and went through people's backpacks…I saw her take money and then I told people and nobody believed me.

So, she decided to get proof and hid in the locker again, this time recording the shenanigans on her mobile phone camera. And sure enough the teacher was again caught on video taking money out of students’ backpacks.

Apparently the teacher is a very popular veteran faculty member, but she has been placed on administrative leave and the case is being investigated by the school district and the police.

Stealing from the students you teach? That’s jut low!

And she would have gotten away with it ‘if it weren’t for those meddlesome kids!

Featured image by Daquella manera, Flickr.

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