People that don’t know how to use guns probably shouldn’t have them in their pockets. Especially, when one of them forgets how the safety works and ends up shooting himself in the man-parts.

According to Guardian Media, police in Rio Claro received a call from a resident who heard a gunshot coming from a parked car. They showed up to find a 33-year-old security guard slumped behind his steering wheel with blood pooling in his groin area. Police also found a loaded .38 caliber firearm in his pocket.

This security guard, who didn’t even have a license to carry the gun, had apparently forgotten to set his safety and shot himself in the crotch. (The news report claims he shot his man-stick clean off, but there were no details if any of his manhood was salvageable.)

He shot his penis off and now has to face criminal gun charges…definitely not this guy’s best week ever.

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