I’m sure driving instructors get as many excuses and teary-eyes pleas from failing students that cops get from lead-footed drivers on their way to work.

But one instructor in Ohio probably got one of the worst reactions from a student ever; this driving failure actually tried to run over her instructor after she failed her test.

I hate to break it to this girl, but hitting a cone on a driving test can keep you from passing, but hitting your instructor with your car is probably a way to ensure you’ll never get a driver’s license!

According to 19 Action News, the woman failed her test after hitting a cone and then allegedly kept yelling,

Why didn't you tell me what I was doing? Where else can I take my test?

When the instructor got out of that car (bad move) she then tried to run him over. Thankfully he dodged the attack, but now police are on the lookout for the woman driving her car with temporary tags and no license.

I, for one, am glad this woman won’t be allowed to drive legally. But not having a license is, apparently, not deterring her from doing it.

Clear the sidewalks and watch out Ohio!

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