Pants 2Some people love going ‘commando’ and not wearing underwear. (Not me.) But this crook learned the hard way that baggy pants and no underwear are a bad combination for trying to escape with stolen merchandise.

According to, a little shop in New Zealand called ‘The Last Place in Takapuna’  was target of a woman who wanted a free purse.

She decided to try and steal a $500 purse from a store display, but 34-year-old Kristie Asplin, an employee of the shop, gave chase. With the help of some bystanders was able to catch her and get the purse back.

I thought screw that, it's a $500 bag and the most expensive thing in our shop, so I chased her.

Everyone in the shopping strip got a good laugh about the chase too because the lady-thief’s pants had fallen down during the pursuit, and the whole world got to see that she was going commando.


Stealing is wrong, and stealing without underwear is a pretty stupid idea, apparently.

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