Traffic tickets. Nobody wants to get them, and nobody wants to pay for them. Traffic cops have heard just about every excuse in the book…except this one.

A Russian man refused to pay his ticket, saying that the upcoming Mayan-predicted end of the world means that paying his fine would be “pointless.”

According to the Huffington Post, he man was in a minor car accident and was given a ticket which had the equivalent of a $32-dollar fine. In response to his fine the man wrote a 10-page letter explaining why he wasn’t going to pay it.

According to his calculations, the doomsday will come at the end of the year, and the payment would be pointless.

He also allegedly visited court officials daily with drawings and graphs that he believed proved his point about the pending apocalypse.

You’d think if he was that concerned with the end of the world, he’d be spending less time battling a frivolous $32 traffic fine and go skydiving or something.

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