nuclear bomb

Drunks always seem to come up with the worst excuses for doing stupid things. This guy from Iowa might be in the running for coming up with THE worst excuse ever.

Police apprehended a drunk, naked, a 41-year-old man near Iowa City, Iowa. The bare-skinned lush claimed that four strangers had kidnapped him and forced him to carry a nuclear bomb as the reason for his nudeness.

Why carrying a bomb would require you to take your clothes off is beyond me.

According to CBS News the guy tried to run from police and by the time they got him to jail he had a .111 blood alcohol content. He later admitted to drinking nine beers and going on an all-day vodka binge before his little mishap.

He now faces charges of interfering with and injuring an officer and public intoxication.

And, believe it or not, police never find any nuclear bomb.

COP: Why are you naked?

DRUNK: Well these crazy guys beat me up and made me carry around a nuclear bomb.

COP: …And you’re naked because…?

Dumb Criminals



Police, TSAs and drive-thru attendants are generally not the best people to try out practical jokes on. You can end up with spit in your food, miss your flight for a cavity search, or end up in prison. Fortunately for this 15-year-old girl her accidental prank just landed her a little bit of hot water with police.

Authorities in Arkansas tracked down the girl who had sent a text message to an officer the read, “I hid the body ... now what?” It was a prank test gone horribly wrong.


According to CNET the girl said she had been inspired by a photo on Pinterest that said,

“When I’m bored, I send a text to a random number saying ‘I hid the body ... now what?’

She was bored. She had a cell phone. You can guess what she did.

She dialed in a random number from to 479-area code and sent the ‘body’ message. Her prank took a turn for the worse because the number she’d picked turned out to be a police detective. When you work on homicide cases, text messages about dead bodies are no laughing matter.

Police traced the text back to the girl’s phone and showed up to question her and her father. They let her off with a warning, but told her she could have been charged with initiating or circulating a false emergency report.

Guess who won’t be sending any text messages for awhile.

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