7-year-old boys and strippers are generally not a good combination. But matters get even worse when one of the boys mother is the one who hired the exotic dancers for her son’s 16th birthday.

According to WABC, the 33-year-old mother from New York is facing five counts of endangering the welfare of a child after she tried to give her son a birthday he’d never forget. Now, this didn’t happen at the woman’s home, it happened at a bowling alley! And the group had posted photos of their little exotic encounter online.

Maybe I’m naive, but when I think of birthday parties in high school I think of movies, laser tag, sleepovers, pizza, and yes, even bowling alleys. But strippers?!  Not a chance.

Just think 20 years in the future when this kid is all grown up and looking through an old family album and he sees these photos. “Awww, remember when mom got me those strippers?” There is nothing okay with that. (Not to mention it being really creepy.)

Yet another example of why I think people should have to pas some sort of test to become a parent.

Picture by quinn.anya, Flickr.

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