A little harmless prank can be a fun joke between friends. However, causing $6,000 worth of damages with your little prank is a different story.

A group of Texas middle schoolers did just that, but to make matters worse one mother was in on the whole thing!

According to UPI, this 41-year-old mom brought along eight teenage girls to a neighbor’s home and helped the kids allegedly toilet paper the house, write graffiti on the home, smear food on the home, leave a broken toilet in the driveway and shove raw chicken meat in the mailbox.

Now mom could go to jail for up to 2-years and faces a fine up to $10,000.

I think my mom would have been out there supervising my cleaning up that mess and apologizing if I had pulled a prank like that, not out there helping me do it.

Here’s a learning opportunity if you want to prank your friends: Harmless prank that everyone can laugh about? Probably okay. Vandalism and destruction of property? Not okay.


Dumb Criminals
Jason Smith, Getty Images

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