Some parents let their kids get away with a little more than they should. This North Carolina mom took things a little too far and actually gave her 11-year-old daughter a tattoo!According to WCTI, tattooing anyone under 18 is illegal in North Carolina, even if there is parental consent. Mom says she had no idea that law existed, but she now faces criminal charges.

Apparently the daughter asked her mom for a tattoo so mom said she'd ink her a small heart-shaped tattoo on her back.

She asked me to do it,” said [The Mom], adding that she only tattooed the outline and did not shade it in.

I'm not sure saying, "I didn't fill it in or shade it," doesn't change the fact that you tattooed your 11-year old daughter!

Mom also seems to think she was ratted out by her ex-husband's parents, but I'm going to have to side with the in-laws, if I tried to give my own daughter a tattoo while she was in grade school, I hope my in-laws would turn me in too.

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