There are some people you just don't mess around with. Judges often fall in this category, just ask this Miami woman was in court facing drug charges.

She managed to laugh during her hearing, skirt around simple questions, and then flipped off the very judge sentencing her. Sounds like on old Night Court rerun.According to NBC Miami, the 18-year-old was in court for illegal possession of Xanax. The whole thing erupted when the judge set her bond at $5,000 and she laughed and said, "adios." The judge brought her back out and upped her bond to $10,000. She got upset, stormed off, flipped the judge the bird and blurted an audible "[expletive] you."

Yeah, not a smart move.

The judge brought her back again, this time giving her a 30-day sentence for contempt of court.

Obviously, she is not the brightest girl on the planet, but the 3-minute court video is more entertaining than most actual court TV shows.

I love how she gets all 'gangsta' when she's brought back for the third time, like she's going to intimidate the judge by saying, "what's up?"

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