Street Fighter II taught up that kicking the crap out of a car earns us bonus points. Real life teaches us that getting in a fight with a car might earn you a trip to the hospital.

Case in point, this man, who's scuffle with a sedan was caught on video.

Judging by the way he's moving and talking I'm assuming this guy was drunk or high or on something, but he seemed upset that the car alarm was beeping. He circled the car, gave it a few jabs, and then unloaded a dropkick at the passenger window.

The window was tougher than him and he ended up out-cold on the sidewalk.

I have less painful way to try and silence a car alarm. Cup your hands over your mouth, raise your voice and yell, "Hey Joey, your dang car alarm is going off again." But if he'd made that choice than we wouldn't have this video to watch.

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