Crooks can be sneaky. Some are even sneaky enough to get away with stealing, but not this Texas man.

He tried to change price tags on a Television so it would ring up for less than $2 in the self checkout line.

According to the Houston Press, our 52-year-old criminal mastermind put a $228-doll TV in his cart, covered the TV’s barcode with the barcode from a different product that would ring up for $1.17. Then we went through the self-checkout line, hoping to save $226 dollars on his purchase.

Wal-Mart’s loss prevention team was on the guy in no time.

I know it’s a big box store, but did this guy really think that no one would notice him paying $2 for a flat screen television?

You know, maybe if he had been smart enough to load up the cart with lots of items, he might have gotten away with it. But then again, if he was that smart, he probably wouldn’t be trying to steal TVs from Wal-Mart in the first place.

Picture by lhepler, Flickr.

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