Three juveniles were arrested in Fountain Valley California, suspected of breaking into an elementary school and causing $50,000 worth of damage.

You'll never believe the clues they left behind for police.

Kids say the darnedest things, they do the darnedest things too.

According to the Fountain Valley Patch the three boys (aged 12, 13 and 15), broke in to Hisamatsu Tamura Elementary School to burglarize and vandalize it. They trashed the place; everything from breaking windows, to destroying lockers, to throwing personnel records in paper shredders, damaging computers, and totaling up  more than $50,000 in damages.

Here is where things get stupid. According to Stupid Crooks,

When they got bored with trashing the place, they played with the copy machine, taking prints of their backsides and faces. Being the neat and tidy boys they were, they kept the copies they liked and threw the ones they didn’t like into a nearby trash can. The sheriff looked in the trash cans the next morning and found perfect mug shots of each of the boys involved.

Photocopies of your own face left in the trash can of the school your just trashed? Really?!

Maybe these kids need to spend a little more timing hitting the books.

Picture by diff_sky, Flickr.

Dumb Criminals


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