I'm hoping this was just a case of something that looked more strange than it actually was, but a Greeley man allegedly was performing a ritual at a playground near the mall, that involved prayer and spraying glass cleaner.

I'm as confused as you are...This little tidbit made the summary of police reports t published by the Greeley Tribune:

Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 10:43 a.m.: A caller near the Greeley Mall reported that a resident was “doing a ritual” on a playground and was spraying Windex and praying. The caller wanted officers to respond.

So, this is a toss up; it could be a dumb criminal case, or it could just be a dumb caller who freaked out over nothing. We'll probably never know.

I'm not sure what tipped the caller off that whatever was begin done was a 'ritual', but I'm hard-pressed to think of anything terribly sinister that involves spraying Windex and praying.

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