The EnvelopeA Florida man waltzed into a water office yesterday to pay his water bill, but the entire building had to be evacuated after the envelope he handed the clerk was covered in white power.

According to the West Volusia Beacon, when the clerk got the envelope and noticed the powder they called police who evacuated the building and brought in the hazmat team to check it out.

Turns out that white powder was cocaine.

I’m thinking maybe this guy had an envelope full of drugs and mixed it up with the water bill, maybe he’s off somewhere trying to snort his bill.

He couldn’t possibly have been dumb enough to try and actually pay his bill with a dusting a cocaine, could he?

Either way, it was a dumb move and images of our guy bringing the cocaine-laden envelope in was caught on surveillance video. (Not that they would need it, seeing as he was trying to bring them a water bill, which I’m sure had his name and address on it.)

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