Flashers are a strange group of people that like to show off their cash and prizes to unsuspecting passers-by. It’s weird, and it is illegal. But one flasher exposed himself to the wrong woman.

He wanted to whip something out in front of her and her boy, but she whipped out something of her own to scare him off...a loaded gun.

According to TDN.com, the woman was walking around a lake with her 6-year-old son,

When the man approached her “aggressively,” sat down and began performing a sex act, then suggested she should watch him, according to the woman and accounts from police.

Then this lady pulled out a gun, loaded a magazine, cocked it and said this,

You need to leave or Ill shoot you. I’m going to blow your brains out.

Needless to say, the flasher took off. Good thing he wasn't a sadomasochist.

I wonder what kind of awkward conversation mom had to have with her son after that little endeavor.

First of all Mr. Flasher; you’re a pervert. Secondly, why did you pick a mom walking around the lake with her 6-year-old son?! You just made your creepy and wrong act, really creepy and wrong.

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