Every morning around 6:20 I scour the Internet to find you the dumbest criminal(s) out there. Not surprisingly, criminals and common sense don’t often go hand-in-hand, so the stories are pretty easy to find. Is it a sad state of our society? Yes.  But it’s also a good laugh for the rest of us. Who made the list this of dumb criminals this week?

  • And last but not least, a man in a Cow Suit who stole milk. 26 gallons of milk, that he somehow snuck past the Wal-Mart loss-prevention staff in Virginia.  Our milk bandit wandered the store on all fours in a cow costume, stole the milk, and then handed it out to random strangers outside the store.  He was arrested shortly there-after in a nearby McDonald’s parking lot. If happy cows are in California, Virginia must be home to the disgruntled cows.

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