We all want to take advantage of our hard-earned vacation time. However, if you are in prison, working a prison job, you are not piling up hours to take a vacation.

Maybe someone  have told that to this this Swedish inmate. She's in prison (for murder!) and she thinks she's earned a vacation?!

According to The Local, a Swedish woman serving a life sentence for killing her ex-boyfriend is now demanding vacation time away from her prison job. She says that her country's labor laws require that she be compensated for her time spent working.

She filed a complaint with the Swedish Chancellor of Justice and said,

I've asked the head of production about which times during the year prison allows vacation time for inmates. The answer was that the prison doesn't have any vacation time at all.

The Local reports that Swedish prison and Probation Service are sticking to their idea that inmates working inside prisons are not protected under the same laws as regular employees.

If there is any justice at all in Sweden, someone will show up with a dose of reality for this murderer and explain to her that she is in prison paying a debt to society, not compiling bonus hours for a weekend getaway outside the slammer.

Photo by w00kie, Flickr.


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