Most people learn at an early age that once you get into trouble once, you should probably take extra care not to get into trouble again right away.  Most people learn that.

Florida resident Donald Gartner was arrested one evening for causing trouble at his neighbor's house after consuming a combination of alcohol and prescription drugs, according to the Tampa Bay Times.  Supposedly, he was urinating in his neighbors' bushes, banging on their front door, and destroying their porch light fixtures and electrical wiring.  Classy.

Gartner was released at 10pm that evening, and was waiting in the PD parking lot for a ride.  He then attempted to get into a car that wasn't his.  The owner yelled at him, and he said he thought it was his car.  Sure...

Then he tried again, attempting to enter another car that didn't belong to him.

A sheriff's lieutenant watched the second attempt and called detention deputies. Gartner was arrested at 11:45 p.m. — less than two hours after he was released.

Sounds like he needed a little more time to sober up before being released back into the wild.

[via Tampa Bay Times.]

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