We’ve all seen strange things on Craiglist, but this one may be one of the strangest I've ever seen. A California man accidentally stole a cat when he was drunk, and now wants to give it back to the owner before it makes a mess in his apartment.

A man in Chico, California posted  this ad looking for the cat. It says that he thought he was rescuing a stray cat after a night of drinking, but when he woke up and saw the cat, he realized it had a name tag and that he had probably taken someone's pet.

If anyone is missing a cat name Django (pronounced Jango the D is silent) I stole him last night. Not on purpose, I was extremely intoxicated and thought he was just some random stray I was rescuing.”

He goes on to say he's been feeding the cat cheese and that he doesn't want him to turn his apartment into a litter box.

I'll give this guy some credit in that he's at least trying to get the cat back to its proper owner. However, who drunkenly decides to adopt a stray cat after a night out at the bars?!

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