Driving drunk is dumb to begin with, but driving drunk to pick up someone else who was ticketed for DUI? That's what we call the next level of stupidity.

According to Philly.com, a 22-year-old New Jersey man pulled in to a police station just before 7AM on Thanksgiving morning. HE had pulled in going way too fast and was approached by police who questioned him and then charged him with drunken driving.

Now the really bad part; he was at the police station to pick up someone else after they had received a DUI ticket of their own.

Haven't these people ever heard of taxis?!

When someone calls you and says, "Hey man, I got a DUI. Can you come pick me up from jail?" Wouldn't your first thought be,"Hmm, I'd better sober up first, let me see if I can find a ride over there." Instead of, "Sure bro, let me polish off this 6-pack and I'll be right over."


People like this shouldn't be allowed on the roads.

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