Today's dumb criminal made a good run of seven years evading capture, but he slipped up when he submitted a photo of himself and his bride-to-be in hopes of winning a local newspaper's 'win a wedding' contest.


According to Daily Mail UK, our 36-year-old was originally sentenced to 12-month community order after shoplifting two DVD box sets in Cardiff, Whales. Our guy was addicted to heroine and didn't fulfill his sentence, so a warrant was issued for his arrest in 2007.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when our DVD-thief and his bride to be had submitted a photo for a newspaper's 'win a wedding' contest and he was recognized by a police officer who saw the photo in the paper.


Now, unlike many of my dumb criminal stories, this one has a fairly happy ending. It turns out that our guy escaped the county and flew to Ireland to kick his heroine addiction and go to college in Dublin.The judge took into account all the changes this guy had made in his life and our guy spent just 28-days in jail.

Now continue his life with his fiancee and he plans to open his own business.

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