There are a lot of world records people aspire to beat, but being the most drunk behind the wheel is probably not a good one to add to your resume.

A British woman (Who left her three kids home alone!) was pulled over and blew the highest alcohol reading ever for a woman in the UK.

According to The Telegraph, this 35-year-old mother downed three bottles of wine before taking a trip to the liquor store so she could buy more booze, all while leaving her three children home alone!

Chambers had two breath tests, the highest measuring 188 micrograms per 100ml of breath - 5.4 times over the legal limit of 35 micrograms.

That translates to over five and a half times the legal limit, the highest alcohol reading ever recorded for a woman  in the UK.

Wonder mom was banned from driving for three years, has 12-months of probation and was ordered into alcohol treatment.

Three bottles of wine before you pick up your keys…that’s beyond drunk driving.

Picture by dbrekke, Flickr.


Jason Smith, Getty Images

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