A New York man attempted to rob a bank, and you can put a lot of emphasis on, “attempted.”

A teller refused to give in to his demands for cash and the crook fled with nothing more than a handful of free suckers.

According to UPI, the man walked into the bank around 10AM and handed the teller a note that said he had a bomb and he wanted money. The teller told him “she doesn't read notes” and told him he needed to fill out a withdrawal slip.

He wrote the same note on a withdrawal slip and handed it to her, she told him to swipe his bank card while telling her fellow employees, in Spanish, that she was being robbed.

Then wonder-crook said,

Ma'am, I ain't got no time for this.

He then grabbed a handful of lollipops and fled the banks.

Ahh, nothing like channeling his inner Sweet Brown, while trying to rob a bank.


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