Your Brooke and Jubal Recap of the Week: Sneezin’, 50 Cent and More
Miss Brooke and Jubal over the air this week, January 7th-11th? We've got your recap of all the best moments of the show and on social media this week, right here.
1. Young Jeffrey's Song of the Week
Just keep sneezin'.
2. That one time Jubal met 50 Cent:
Casually wondering if 50 Cent remembers his past idol.
3. Waist training with Jubal
Stop body-shaming Jubal, everyone!!!
4. Brooke's Disgusting Tuna Cam
When Brooke decided to commit a crime against humanity and make a tuna melt at work...people were not happy.
5. Uh....this guy.
Because it was the biggest (and most uncomfortable) story of the week. Hear B&J's reactions at the link.
For more Brooke and Jubal in the Morning, listen every day starting at 6 a.m. Look out for next week's recap at the end of the week!
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