Last year, Colorado singles witnessed something on a seemingly daily basis that really rubbed in the fact that they're single - and now there's data to prove they weren't just imagining things. (Oh, fantastic!)
Throwing a destination wedding at Disneyland or Disney World is super popular nowadays, but what if your family and friends can't make it all the way out to Orlando or Anaheim and end up missing the biggest day of your life? That's why you host your wedding at the cutest slice of Americana in Colorado: Lakeside Amusement Park.
Arguments happen in relationships, some would even go as far as saying they are healthy to have from time to time, but after one married couple's recent fight, the husband went to all extremes to show his wife just how fed up he really was with the situation – he listed her for sale on eBay, giving anyone out there the chance to bid on his 27-year old "Used Wife."
You said "YES!" Now, what? Sifting through Pinterest can be a neverending trail of fantastic ideas for your wedding but when are you going to have time to pull them off, continue working, and make sure you are looking your very best for your big day?
Women are allowed to propose to their significant others once every 4 years according to Irish folklore, and that day is coming up, ladies - February 29, to be exact.
It's going to make you think twice about that 'girl next door,' or the guy next to you on the MAX. It's a different side of Fort Collins: a stripped-down side.
It may seem impossible to annoy your partner and for a list of only five things-- wow, hold the phone, Leroy! Here is a little list, the tip of the iceberg.