You may wonder from time to time, especially three days a month, but really, what are the signs that he is cheating on you. Get to know them here.

Relationships Cheating ThinkStock
Relationships Cheating ThinkStock


  1. He changes his everyday routine, not just the once in awhile stop at the hardware store or a drink with a buddy, when the straying from the routine actually becomes more routine than the routine, that's when it's time to get real.
  2. Mood Swings, he is extra extra nice and then angry at the world might be a sign that he is trying to get on your good side, but if it doesn't work as planned he might turn it to a fight so that he has an excuse to leave-again, once in awhile may mean nothing, but if it is becoming more frequent start asking yourself and him relationship question, without accusations.
  3. He Can't Remember Details of Things, for some this is normal behavior, but is it normal for him and when did he start getting details jumbled up? It is cause to pay a little more attention to the day to day rhythm of your relationship.
  4. He needs more privacy than normal, shutting his office door when it used to be open, staying up later than you (which is not normal), going for walks alone or even hitting up the local book or coffee shop (alone).
  5. His work schedule has increased ten fold. He says his manager has requested him to put in extra time on a project and it has him working late more and more. Even extending work trips, if he used to go for two or three days and now goes for four, you might need to ask some questions.

Keep in mind that everything listed he can truthfully be explained away, this list is only to act as a guide, to provoke thought. If you think that he is cheating or that your relationships is struggling, take notice and grab on tight. If you have to empty the trash, comb your hair or cook more than once a week then do it.

(Record Scratch Noise) Then again, this isn't 1958 and trash IS a guys job!

All kidding aside, if you value your relationship and things seem a bit wonky, then ask questions, set up date nights (yes, even if you have kids) and remember to love each other first.

Here's to a healthy relationship!

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