"If ya can't beat 'em, join 'em," seems to be what Rihanna was thinking when she insulted a fan on her Instagram page. The incident occurred after said fan posted a nasty message about RiRi's family on the photo social networking site.

The 'Diamonds' singer posted a photo of one of her family members when a "fan" commented, "I swear everyone in Rihanna's family looks like they're retarded... Must be the drugs and alcohol!" Obviously, RiRi did not like this insult, but instead of ignoring the snide remark, she posted a picture of the girl next to a goat with the caption, "Can you spot the 3 things that are different in these pics? Chile, it's time to privatize that account!"

Of course, the fan quickly switched her privacy settings so no one could see her snaps anymore and Rihanna deleted the picture, but not before screenshots were taken for all of the Internet to see. We are considering putting out a PSA track titled, 'Social Media Anthem (Screenshots R 4Eva),' for all the pop stars that seemingly forget that fact on a daily basis -- especially Rihanna and her jilted lover Chris Brown. For all the talk about having "haters," y'all sure like to engage with them a little too regularly, which just spawns more of their kind. It's a never-ending cycle!

While hearing someone talk about your family that way can be absolutely heartbreaking, Rihanna could have responded in a more tactful way, maybe cautioning against cyber-bullying instead of  responding with a negative comment. Remember, RiRi, you have kids who look up to you -- for better or for worse!

Rihanna Fan Goat

Watch the Rihanna 'Diamonds' Video

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