Fort Collins Worried About Poudre River, Possible Flooding
Fort Collins officials are keeping a close eye on the Poudre River this spring season. Huge amounts of snow pack in the high country could lead to flooding in and around the city.
But officials think that flooding might be more likely in Windsor or Greeley.
Just how much water is waiting up there for us?
According to the Fort Collins Coloradoan, the water measured at near the top of Poudre Canyon is nearly twice what it was last year at this time. The snow and water equivalent is about 10 inches above what it was in 1983, the last time Fort Collins saw significant flooding along the Poudre.
High snow pack does not guarantee any flooding though. There are a lot of factors that affect the amount of water we see coming down the river.
With so many variables impacting the rate of snow melt, especially day/night temperature fluctuations at high elevations and the possibility of rain falling on the snow pack, officials aren't making predictions on how the runoff will play out.
City crews are already working to clear debris that could back-up the Poudre's flow and are encouraging those near the river take steps to protect their properties and look into flood insurance.
According to the story in the Coloradoan, experts predict the river will hit its peak in Fort Collins around the third week of June and potentially exceed flood level, but flooding is more likely farther east, near Windsor and Greeley.