1,000 Coloradans Losing Jobs as One Company Bails for Better Offer
Nearly every Colorado employee of a large financial firm will be looking for their next "gig," as the company is moving Denver operations off to another location.
It's a scenario where one part (namely Denver) thinks everything is hunky-dory, while the other party (the firm) has one foot out the door. The employees located in the Denver area, will be the ones suffering the most.
Many are saying that Denver is emptying out; is the Mile High City losing its luster from big busineses?
1,000 Job Affected as Big Company Announces Move Out of Denver
1,000 workers is a lot, there's no question about that. Those workers must have many questions regarding what will be next in their careers/job situations. What would you do if it was announced that where you worked, wouldn't be there in two years?

According to the Denver Post, that's exactly the case, as a financial company, TIAA which handles retirement and investment plans for universities and non-profits, has decided that Denver longer fits what the company is looking for, when it comes to being a good location.
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Back in 2016, according to the Denver Post, TIAA was a big fan of Denver; they called Denver "critical" to the plans they had about growing. All that, was before the pandemic and other factors set in.
Downtown Denver Employer Moving to Texas
While Coloradans may hear "Frisco" and think of our own little mountain town, there are more than a few "Friscos" in America, including one about 30 miles north of Dallas. Denver's TIAA operations (most of them) will be moving there by the end of 2026.
Texas was "kind" enough to give TIAA $18 million in incentives to build a new operations center in Frisco. So, TIAA gets a new building at a discount, in a state where things run less expensive. It is a better offer, that's for sure.
MORE Colorado & Business: All the Companies That Left Colorado This Year
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Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams