I saw one on Taft Hill yesterday that was literally this big, and had fallen from at least two stories up.  Can you say "hard hat zone?"

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Only a couple of small limbs fell into my yard, which is perfect, as I'll let those dry behind the shed, then use them in the fire pit!

The following tree limb disposal options are free starting today, but on a temporary basis.  In other words, might wanna get it handled on the pronto:

  • The City Streets Facility at 625 9th St., open 24-7
  • The Hoffman Mill at 1300 Hoffman Mill Road, open 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

The Coloradoan says you can take advantage of this from today through June 4th, and reminds us that property owners and tenants are typically responsible for getting rid of debris on private property.

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