Weld County Leads the U.S. in This Statistic, and It’s Surprising
The National Weather Service has released the leaders in the country for tornados, and surprisingly Weld County comes out on top.
In a recent study done by the organization, Weld County leads all other United States counties with the amount of tornadoes that occurred over the last 65 years.
According to the Coloradoan, close to 270 tornadoes hit the county from 1950 - 2015. It is only the second county in the country to eclipse the 200 mark over that time span, with Harris County in Texas joining Weld on the list.
One of the reasons that the designation is easy to come by in the county? The land mass that the region covers. Weld County is 4,017 square miles which is two and a half times bigger than the average county in Colorado.
The last major twister to hit Weld County occurred in Windsor back in 2008. That tornado was an EF3 on the scale and killed one person. Over $100 million in damages happened in the area from the storm, which recently was remembered in it's recent anniversary.