10 Things To Know About This Week’s Snowstorm Hitting Colorado
As we close out the month of January pretty quietly, February looks to be coming in with a bang, some snow, and some really cold temperatures. But hey, it's winter in Colorado and this is just how we roll.
According to the National Weather Service, we could see some gusty winds starting to roll through NoCo as early as later this afternoon and into Tuesday.
So here are the important things to keep in mind for this week's winter storm hitting Northern Colorado.
- Heavy cloud cover begins to roll in on Tuesday and it will be chillier with highs only in the upper 20's
- Tuesday night is when the snow is expected to fall on us and that's expected to roll through most of Wednesday off and on.
- We're not talking about a giant wet storm dropping feet of snow - the brunt of the snow will hit the mountains and by the time it's all said and done by Wednesday evening, we could be looking anywhere between 3-5 inches, more possible in the foothills.
- BRRRRR, it's going to be cold! Highs on Wednesday and Thursday are expected to only be in the teens.
- Throw an extra blanket on the bed. Overnight lows will dip well below zero, so hopefully, you have a garage. If not, good luck with that.
- Please don't forget about animals. Make sure your animals are inside and out of the elements.
- Check on your elderly family members and friends. Make sure their furnaces are working properly and just...make sure they're ok.
- The sun will return on Thursday but will still be cold with temps barely expected to hit the low 20's.
- Friday we're back pushing 40 degrees.
- Saturday we're back into the mid 40's and lots of sunshine for the weekend.
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