A yard sale, garage sale, rummage sale, tag sale, attic sale, moving sale, or junk sale, whatever you call it, it's a great way to find other peoples stuff for cheap.  This weekend is the World's Largest Yard Sale being held at the Outlets at Loveland from 7am-3pm on Saturday. This is a great event, because over a hundred yard sales will be in one place and it's FREE for you to attend.  I have scored big at this event in the past and at yard sales in general.  What is the best thing you have found at a yard sale?  Here are a few of my personal best scores at a yard sale.


COWBOY BOOTS. $1.  Yes, I said $1. I love them.  I have had to stop myself from wearing these everyday for the last 2 years. The lady I bought them from said she thought someone could use them as a garden decoration or something, I checked the size and thought to myself "yeah, garden decoration..." I bought a Superfeet insole for them and they now fit perfect.  The nicely worn look is in style and it makes them really comfortable.


KIDS TEEPEE.  $15.  Not just any kids teepee, but one made for a little girl and unlike anything you can buy from a store.  This teepee is the highlight of many of our backyard parties.


BICYCLE W/KIDS CARRIER.  $10.  I was not looking for another bicycle, but I was looking for a kid carrier for a bike.  When I saw one on a bicycle at a yard sale I was hoping they would sell it separately, but when the lady told me $10 for the bike...with the carrier.  I quickly said sold.  This was a random house tucked back off a one way street. The bike is in excellent condition and the carrier is exactly what I was looking for.

As the Mother of a two year old, our yard and her bedroom are quickly becoming filled with big plastic toys that she adores.  I have not yet paid full price for any of it.  Yard sales are the way to go if you have kids, or about to have a kid, or you are a kid at heart, or you like a bargain, or you like a peek into someones life through their stuff.  Join me at the World's Largest Yard Sale this Saturday.

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