What Do You Get When You Combine New Belgium with Ice Cream?
Think about what a perfect night at your house would consist of. Movie on the big screen? Definitely. Just a night chilling? Of course. What if you could combine a pint of Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream with New Belgium Brewing and be able to enjoy that while sitting on your couch?
Well...your dream is about to become reality.
The Vermont based ice cream maker are now teaming up with New Belgium Brewing to create their first ever beer, which will have the subtle taste of Salted Caramel Brownie Brown Ale.
The ABV of the new beer will be 6.3% and the two companies will take some of the profits to benefit an organization called Protect Our Winters, which according to their website is an organization that "unites the global sports community to lead the fight against climate change".
Now it makes you think...what other Ben & Jerrys flavors could they think of next? How about Rocky Road beer? Maybe Chubby Hubby beer?
The possibilities are endless!