Watch Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper’s State of the State Address – Jan. 9, 2014 [VIDEO]
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper gave his annual 'State of the State' address this morning. I'm not usually a big fan of political speeches, but this actually seemed like a pretty good one and it got me all puffy-chested about being proud of our state.
One of my favorite lines from the speech was:
This past year, Colorado has been scorched.Colorado has been flooded.Colorado once again endured senseless, inexplicable violence.Yet, despite all of it, we did not let that define us. That is not our story. Our story and what we showed the world is:Colorado does not shutdown.Colorado does not quit.Colorado does not break
You can click here to download a PDF of the entire written speech from The Denver Channel.
You can also see this and past state of the state speeches on the Governor's website.
What did you think of the address?