Ticket Lottery for Cheyenne Frontier Days Train Begins Next Week
This just might be the most fun way to get to Cheyenne Frontier Days. The ticket lottery for the 24th annual Denver Post Cheyenne Frontier Days train begins Sunday, May 10th.
The 17-car train will leave 44th Street and Brighton Boulevard, near the Denver Coliseum, at 7 a.m. on July 18 and is expected to return about 8:30 p.m. Sign-up for the lottery ends May 20, and lottery winners will be notified by June 1.
The $325 ticket includes:
round trip reserved seating on the train, parking, a continental breakfast, complementary non-alcoholic beverages, catered barbecue lunch, preferential reserved-seat rodeo tickets, bus transportation to and from the train both in Denver and Cheyenne, and a light dinner on the return trip. Two alcoholic beverages are provided to each passenger 21 years and older on the return trip.