The Best Pictures From Winter Bike to Work Day in Fort Collins
Winter Bike to Work Day mid-December each year in Fort Collins and advocates a day of ditching your car-- no matter how cold it is outside-- to use pedal power to get you to work in the morning.
Several local businesses in our community have fully embraced this day, so much so that booths and morning events are set up throughout town for bikers to take a stop, grab a free coffee or goodies, and move on their merry way.
I love Winter Bike to Work Day and what it represents, which is why I love looking through Instagram and finding the greatest snapshots of the morning. Below are a few you'll enjoy, and don't forget to tag us in yours on Instagram as well!
1. An Everyday Joe's Stop
2. Want a morning corndog?
3. Traffic jam at the Fort Collins Food Co-op
4. Hanging out at CSU
5. It wouldn't be 'Bike to Work Day' without New Belgium!
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