Team RWB Connecting Veterans Through Physical and Social Activity
A dear friend of mine, Sara Seanard, has started a Team RWB chapter in Fort Collins. Team RWB is all about gettting veterans involved in their communities.
The goal of Team RWB is to get veterans involved in their community through positive physical events, be it training, competing, or just outdoor fun. Fort Collins is a hot bed for veterans, with CSU and Northern Colorado consistently being one of the most Veteran friendly locations in the U.S.
Team RWB’s mission is to enrich the lives of America’s veterans by connecting them to their community through physical and social activity. The support and enthusiasm for the organization has earned the validation and endorsement from the following organizations.
The weekly 1.5 mile fun run that Sara does are every Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m. The event starts at Nicks Homestyle restaurant (1100 S. College Avenue) in Fort Collins. Bring a friend, a veteran, a prospective enlistee, the strollers, kids, dogs, or if you have to a walker!
The whole idea is to just be active and you do the run/walk at your pace. For more information, please visit the Denver Team RWB Facebook page where information for the Fort Collins run will be. Fort Collins can't do a Facebook page until it has more members so let's get Fort Collins up and going and get this done. Please tell a veteran and let's help Sara Seanard make this a huge success for our local veterans, their families and friends.