After an amazing time at the Insane Inflatable 2016, the 5K is coming back and this time, it's better than ever.
The bouncy 5K that attracted thousands of runners last year is happening once again at The Ranch in Loveland on May 20th, 2017...
This video of a pug riding a toy jet ski (with a jealous pup running along side him) is sure to put a big ol' goofy smile on your face. Watch the adorable video below!
A dear friend of mine, Sara Seanard, has started a Team RWB chapter in Fort Collins. Team RWB is all about gettting veterans involved in their communities.
A lot of people are still looking for ways to help those affected by the terror attacks in Boston during the Boston Marathon, or to at least show support for people out there. Well, a CNN iReporter named OberBecca has created something for people to log their walked, jogged, biked and run miles in solidarity for Boston. She calls it #RunForBoston.
This just doesn’t sound like a good idea to me, but Joe D’Amico from Illinois plans to beat his previous time in the Los Angeles marathon after eating nothing but the Golden Arches for 30 days. Okay, so there is some good to it because he's raising money for charity, but nothing but fast food as part of your workout regimen?!
Its official. The universe loves to mess with you when you are late. I have known this for a while now, but after today I know its not just a figment of my imagination. If you are running just a couple minutes late its not as bad. Its when you are about 10-15 minutes late or more, that is when things get really bad.