Christmas is Coming to Colorado in May
You may want to pout, and you'll probably cry. You'll get so mad you could shout, and I'll tell you why: believe it or not, Santa Claus is coming to town.
Now, even though the celebration of Christmas seems to start closer to August than December these days, you still don't traditionally start thinking about the holly-jolly season in May. After all, we still have to get to Memorial Day, Father's Day, Flag Day, and Independence Day, not to mention the entire season of summer. Our schedule is pretty full already, is what I'm trying to say.

Nevertheless, that's not going to stop Santa, as he's getting ready to set up shop outside of Colorado Springs this month. The North Pole: Santa's Workshop is getting ready to open up on May 20th, and will then run until Christmas in December. Mid-May is actually when the workshop traditionally opens up, which I must admit I never knew about until now. Still, I guess there are worse ways to beat the summer heat than spreading Christmas cheer.
Spreading Christmas cheer is exactly what the folks at Santa's Workshop have been doing since 1956. If you're keeping score at home, that's about 67 years in total, which is quite the feat. It's an amusement park, so be prepared for lots of holly-jolly games and rides. There are plenty of treats and shops available, too.
Of course, we all know the real reason to visit Santa's Workshop is to actually meet Santa. Most will be interested to know how the workshop operates, or in making their own requests for gifts. Personally, I'm curious to ask Santa for his stance on certain labor laws, particularly the minimum wage.