Greeley Living Center To Close After Being Sold To Realty Company. Now What?
After being in the Greeley community for 85 years, the Good Samaritan Society's Bonell Community has been sold and will be closing its doors for good. Tenets were only given 60 days to move out.

Another Closure In Greeley
85 years is a long time for any business to be around. The Good Samaritan Society's Bonell Community in Greeley is one of those rare examples. Sadly, after an almost century run of serving multi-generations in our community, it's been announced that they have been sold to a California realty company and are closing their doors. Denver 7 reports that not only has it been sold and closing its doors, but the current tenants only have 60 days to vacate their current homes.
Now with only 60 days to vacate and find new homes, hundreds of families are scrambling to find space for their loved ones. Some folks just moved in before the holidays and are having to re-pack and head back out to search for their next space to call home. Denver 7 provided a statement from Good Samaritan Society's Executive Director, Randy Fitzgerald who said:
"Unfortunately, persistent staffing challenges and a decline in the number of residents at our Bonell location in Greeley have led to a situation that is not sustainable. As a result, the Good Samaritan Society-Bonell will close effective March 5, 2022."
Most Senior Centers have waitlists to get in, and the majority of the local options don't accept medicare which makes it even harder to re-locate seniors currently living at Good Sam's. Especially with only 60 days notice given.
It has not been fully disclosed how much the Greeley property sold for, nor what future plans may include for the space.
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